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By Ginny Yurich
Our district, like every other one around it, ushered in full day kindergarten like a sweeping torrent of rain. And so I sat, plump with baby number one, surrounded by teachers and administrators in several meetings to determine how this extra school time for the five-year-olds would be spent. Mind you, there weren’t any children in the meeting.
Now the kindergarten teachers, they were unanimous and unwavering. Play time and rest. Play time and rest. They echoed each other and they never strayed from this message. With both physical and anecdotal reasoning, the teachers held fast to what they believed the extra time should be used for because that is what the children need. They need station time and recess… and they need a little rest. But if you had to hedge your bets as to what the extra time eventually was allotted to what would be your guess? It was not play time nor rest but academics.
After spending years in the public schools I quickly learned that although there are many great things that happen within the schools walls, the people who are ultimately the decision makers aren't the ones who are actually with the children. It sometimes seemed as though decisions got passed down from the heavens. No one really knew where they come from. So many of the high schoolers had the same questions, "Why do we have to learn this?" But I really didn’t have a good reason so I just got to saying, “Because the president says you can’t be left behind” - and for high schoolers it was a sufficient answer because they already deeply understood that much of childhood was about jumping through hoops.
The thing is compulsory education is relatively new. Just over 100 years ago the only compulsory education law was that all children had to complete elementary school. Things have changed dramatically in just ten decades. We've gone from five years of compulsory education to thirteen and we now mandate such subjects as "Algebra 2 and Trigonometry" in order to graduate. Do we really know beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are the things all children need to succeed in life, especially given the incredible trade-off in time? The things we call “best practice” are at best a guess. I know that for certain because best practices, as they pertain to childhood development, change all the time. The curriculums and sequences change often with the winds of political change.
Surprisingly, sometimes people buck the system and they still turn out furthering the point that 13 years in a classroom may not be necessary for lifelong success. Kids have not always needed to pass trigonometry to successfully transition into adulthood, but they have always needed time. Time to learn who they are. Time to explore their surroundings. Time to figure out how to enjoy their own company and how to structure their free time. Time to think, and to dream, and to dawdle, and to wonder. Kids need time. And as the school day, homework, and adult-directed activities take over much of childhood, we are left with lost children.
Kids have not always needed to pass trigonometry to successfully transition into adulthood, but they have always needed time. Time to learn who they are. Time to explore their surroundings. Time to figure out how to enjoy their own company and how to structure their free time. Time to think, and to dream, and to dawdle, and to wonder. Kids need time. And as the school day, homework, and adult-directed activities take over much of childhood, we are left with lost children.
John Taylor Gatto was a public school teacher in New York for nearly 30 years and a world renowned speaker for another 20 years afterwards giving over 1500 speeches in 9 countries. He was named the New York State Teacher of the Year twice and has written some prolific literature. Gatto was a huge advocate that at the right age and stage, and in the right environment, children could learn phenomenal amounts in short periods of time. After spending thousands of hours with children over the course of three decades and after untold amounts of research, Gatto concluded that, "It only takes about 50 contact hours to transmit basic literacy and math skills well enough that kids can be self-teachers from then on." 50 hours. Let that sink in. That's just over one week of school. Today, children spend between 12 and 15 THOUSAND seat hours within the four walls of a classroom.
There are many other brilliant men and women who advocate for less formal learning and more hands-on experience. There are also those who advise that later is better when it comes to the type of academic work that has crept its way into the kindergarten classrooms. Children need time to develop their sense of self and their own self-knowledge.
How can we stop stealing time from children? Here are five ways:
Schedule fewer extracurricular activities. When kids go straight from the classroom to extracurriculars, even extracurriculars they enjoy, they miss out on the expanses of time they need to learn who they are. Ensure that your child has afternoon and evening time several days of the week in order to play and direct their own learning.
Advocate for more recess and less homework. Be a voice at your school. Bring in the research. Talk to the administrators. Take a group of parents with you. Movement is the precursor to all learning and it is vital that children get a chance to move and to play throughout the day.
Skip all homework at least through elementary school. Or forge it. Or give the answers. Seven hours a day is enough. Remember that at the right developmental stage 50 hours will get a child to enough functional literacy to become a self-teacher. 35 hours a week in a classroom is more than enough time for seat-work. Leave afternoons, evenings, and weekends for play time and family time.
Wait on formal education or choose from play based options like forest schools, Waldorf or Montessori. See what is in your area. You might consider skipping preschool altogether. In some states formal education isn't required until age six. Read books like "Better Late than Early" by Raymond and Dorothy Moore and make sure your decisions about school are well-informed and well-researched.
Buck the system in whatever ways you deem necessary and trust that your children will learn anyway! Find ways in which your child can learn through play. Read these books and be confident that kids are innately driven to learn. If we allow them the time and space to explore their world, they will learn the most extraordinary things.
Do you want to know what kids want to do? They want to dawdle. They want to explore. They want to sniff the dandelions and squish mud between their toes. They want to laugh and they want to run. They want to read exciting books in your lap and then move on to reading exciting books in the space between two strong branches of a tree. They want expanses of time to satisfy their curiosities and to learn how to relate to themselves and to others. And do you know why they want to do these things? Because each of these things will contribute to their development in deep and untold ways. Children desperately need their childhood hours. Let's give them some back!